My Thing With Flash

I have an unclosed thing with flash. I didn’t quit get if I like it , or not… It is beautiful , and makes the pictures look more Pro , but it shows every single detail in your face. LITERALLY EVERY DEATAIL! It’s really difficult for me , beacause I have bags Beneath my eyes.…


SUMMER!!!!! SUMMER !!!!!! SUMMER!!!! Finally were out for summer vaction! Its definitely my favorite time of the year. Party , beach , sun&fun , awsome instagram photos and the best part -> two months with no school! Have I already said its the BEST time of the year? Our Israeli beach , is one of…


Happiness can be expressed is many way. Some people see happened in their love , their jobs , their friends and I see happiness in my passion – fashion . A bit kitschy , but it’s true! I found a store that decided to create clothes with HAPPINESS written on them. I’m so so so…