My Thing With Flash

I have an unclosed thing with flash. I didn’t quit get if I like it , or not… It is beautiful , and makes the pictures look more Pro , but it shows every single detail in your face. LITERALLY EVERY DEATAIL! It’s really difficult for me , beacause I have bags Beneath my eyes.…


Selfie. The person who made it up is a genius! 99.9% of the people all around use it. I’m personally obsessed with selfie. One of my favorite things. I don’t post a lot of selfies on my instagram , so I decided to search from all of the ones I did posted, what is my…


I’m not the kind of girl that takes one picture with a smile and post it. I’m the kind of girl who takes 3000 pictures, with 3000 different faces, make a huge collage and then post it. That is what makes me different. That’s me. I am sure that if there was a contest of…