Hey guys! For all the students out there , how was the first week of school? Mine was nice. Well.. too tired , and we got so much homework!! But , in someway , I kind of missed school.. All of my friends , the cafeteria , and some other things i’ll soon figure out..LOL.
I wish us all good luck , an do your best , its important.
Here’s a few habits I have during school:
1.Must have a rubber band on my hand.
2.Finish H.W. at school.
3.A jacket in my locker , its freezing in class.
4.Hit my best friends (Erel). Its the best thing ever!
5.Having 5 Black pens. And still , there all gone after a month .
But basically , I’m just having fun . Cause in a certain way , most times , SCHOOL is one of your best memories in life .
Not long ago , me and two of my friends – Omer Hazan and Maya Schneidman did and awesome “BACK TO SCHOOL ” production with a teen magazine called -ROSH 1 . It Was super cool , and way TOO HOT!!!!!!!!
I’m positive that the sentence “COOL KIDS CANT DIE” was called about us.